Elearn Markets

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ABOUT Elearnmarkets
Welcome to Elearnmarkets.com, India’s premier online financial education provider.
Elearnmarkets.com is a young vibrant company established with the vision of taking online financial education to a new level, both in India and abroad. Guided by our mission of spreading financial literacy, we are constantly experimenting with new education methodologies and technologies to make financial education convenient, effective, and accessible to all. 

Elearnmarkets.com recognizes that the lack of financial literacy is a serious impediment to the economic growth of India. Hence, we have made it our mission to spread financial literacy in multiple ways. Anyone can learn these basic life skills from us, and evolve into a financially aware individual.


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About Stockedge
StockEdge is a financial app for the Indian Stock Market, primarily based on NSE and BSE data. It helps stock market traders and investors reach better decisions by providing them with analytics, visualizations and alerts on the mobile platform in a highly customizable and adaptive form to suit individual needs.
