Inspiring Story Of Jack Ma- Founder Of Alibaba

Alibaba’s founder and CEO is the perfect example for persistence and determination. From learning English a decade ago through giving free tours to tourists, to his rejection from KFC when he applied to work there, Jack Ma’s story is an inspiration we should all take notice of. Jack Ma was rejected from 3 universities, his first internet venture failed miserably and he failed many times in middle and high school for his lower grades. Most impressive of all, Jack Ma was rejected from Harvard 10 times!
He applied to 30 jobs when he was looking for work and was rejected from all of them, including a job at KFC where 24 people applied and they hired everyone but him and another 29 comapny's lso rejected him. He wrote to Harvard for a total of 10 times and was knocked back every single time.
Embracing rejection as an invitation to work harder and try more often is a mantra that successful people adopt in their everyday life. Jack Ma was rejected a thousand times and still become the founder of a $200 Billion+ company.
